Friday, April 9, 2010


You better start caring about the environment before it’s too late! I have an explanation for those of you who are wondering what got into me. I call it emotional development and making progress in the “I care” department. Normally I wouldn’t suggest what I’m suggesting but a certain change of scenery so to speak has opened my previously-half-closed eyeballs. I am a proud contributor to the environmentally-friendly website called (there I plugged myself). I admit I neither know nor care to know anything about the fifty ways one can save the environment but it’s like your teacher said: if you write something over and over again five hundred times, it starts to sink in a little. So here I am writing about our planet and the care we must show it, while awaiting the apocalypse and not having enough ambition to cook dinner. After browsing through my articles my own brother said: “Now I know that all those people who write self-help and educational articles have no idea what they’re talking about”. No argument there. My father wasn’t far behind with: “You should start making contributions to the NASA website” (although he meant it in a derogatory way I think that the astronomy courses I took in college give me a decent advantage). So go ahead stop taking showers, doing laundry, or flushing the toilet, and save environmental energy as well as your own. Have you seen whom true environmentalists resemble? A Woodstock explosion without the music. It’s like the hippies were finally up against the wall after the 70s to get real jobs and they’ve turned to “saving the planet”. I’m pretty sure that pot is more organic than Tylenol.

What I’m getting at is basically this: love your planet more then you love yourself because the Earth is eternal and you are only evanescent.

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