There is absolutely no difference between a psychiatric facility and a nursing home if you ask me. Just like in the nut house, everybody is unsure of where they are, everybody is evenly split between the silent catatonics and the loud, spotlight-seeking performers, and everybody is highly medicated. The "assisted living" facility patients are way past their prime and they've all fallen off the deep end (and into the toilet [literally]) long ago. There is one woman who is on the john every time I come there, screaming "get me off this thing!" and no one does (hence the euphemism of assisted living). It would be sad if it wasn't so comical. Another woman is like a prehistoric exhibitionist. She walks around with nothing on but a diaper and pauses for visitors. I dread going into that place but my hands are tied. The women who work there are only slightly more stable then the "patients" themselves. They wander the halls like ghosts, occasionally peeping into some room to see who needs to be changed. Sometimes I catch them sneaking into the empty rooms to relax. This used to anger me but now I understand. The only "positive" thing about the experience is that I am subjected to the amorous advances of the security guards who work there. The other day one of them said: "Every time you come you brighten up my day". I should hope so buddy. If I fail to brighten up your day after you've been watching old ladies strip for the past twenty hours then I must've really let myself go.
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