Monday, September 28, 2009


I visited Switzerland in 2005 and remember it fondly. While on tour I learned that the Swiss pretty much like to keep to themselves by staying out of wars and not accepting new citizens. They are everybody’s friends and they have no friends. Somebody had a problem with this lifestyle and said “lets detain Roman Polanski now!” Their impatience finally kicked in. Right away the uncontroversial country is getting more hits than Iran. Everybody’s shocked. Oh shit, are they not selling enough chocolate? Are they sick of having the ‘Geneva conventions’ and not participating in any of them? The rest of the world should’ve been suspicious from the start. It’s always the “quiet” ones that end up making the ruckus. The loud ones, like Muammar al-Gaddafi, end up looking like, well the way Gaddafi looked during his UN speech (in his defense it was his first and he was probably nervous). Meanwhile the Swiss have been sitting all quiet, pretending not to give two craps when in reality they’ve been planning something “big” for a while now (32 years), in an attempt to become a dominant European power. Either that or they just got bored. It is a very boring country. Too many cliffs, not enough suicides. Too many farms, too much yodeling. Not enough worries.

Too bad for Polanski that he happened to be a pawn in this scheme of theirs. Come back to the U.S. Polanski, we’ll treat you much better then the Swiss.

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