Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Volcanic interruption

Tsunamis-check, earthquakes-check, hurricanes-check. What’s next you say? Of course, volcanic eruptions! Haven’t had those in a while. I had no idea Iceland even possessed a volcano, let alone an active one. All I know is that it’s not very welcoming of them to hang a huge ash cloud over their country after posting ads all over public transportation to come to Iceland for only $499 and take a dip in their geysers (hot springs and not aging Icelandic Vikings). Talk about blowing hot and cold. Make up your mind Iceland, which one are you and do you want visitors or not? To make matters worse, the rest of Europe has to suffer as well. England’s rightfully pissed: “We were going to knight somebody again but now you actually gave us a reason not to, MR. Olafur Grimsson”. No worries though; they’ll tackle this incoming danger like Queen Elizabeth tackled the Spanish Armada back in the day; with lots of prayers and hope for a thunderstorm.

Didn’t you learn anything from the Chernobyl catastrophe Iceland? Don’t spit out more than you can contain in your own airspace. Then again, what did you expect from something called Eyjafjallajokull? Definitely sounds like a terrorist training camp.

I admire the airlines carrying out “test” flights. What are they testing for exactly? “Ground control to Major Tom”. Major Tom is unavailable seeing as to how there’s something clouding his view at the moment. If they think that successfully flying a few jets, with some drunk souls aboard who might have nothing left to live for, smack through the middle of a fiery ash cloud will make everyone jump on that bandwagon, they don’t know nothin’ about the human psyche. I also love the boo-hoos of the misplaced and stranded folks. If they’d rather join the test pilots with an uncertain future instead be my guest.

Basically shit has hit the fan my friends and the time has come to brush up on your commandments.

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