Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank you

  I am starting to experience my first dose of fame. My blog is even more popular than I’d hoped, soliciting a whopping number of four faithful followers-three of which are my parents and brother and one of which is my best friend (this sentence will be edited as the list expands). Oh and my co-worker might also be secretly following. It seems as though no matter what I do people are always searching for me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my blog is public and so is every other website I register for. See? My paranoia is not senseless. I just can’t get away from anybody. I am also grateful and would like to take a moment to thank my readers/fans for their support. Thank you for reading my incredibly awe-inducing material without having to pay for it, thank you for having enough time on your hands to do so, and thank you for the inspiration you throw my way just by being yourselves.

P.S. I know you’re only reading this to make sure I don’t mention your real names.

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