Saturday, February 27, 2010


First Haiti now Chile. Better yet, tsunami headed for Haiti. It's been a long time since 2004 after all. Instead of thanking their lucky stars, Americans are complaining about a little snowstorm. If you hate the weather so much move to a warmer climate and suffer their calamities. If you prefer digging yourself out of rubble to shoveling your drive-way, be my guest.
It appears 2012 is no joke. All the signs are there. It's even written about in a Russian magazine (the equivalent of National Inquirer) and has my grandma all worried. She doesn't know what day it is, but she sure knows that the end is near.
The reason why the news don't show anything positive is not due to ratings but because there is nothing encouraging going on in the world. This is precisely why I strictly stick to children's programs. I can't deny that those are becoming increasingly violent (especially video games) but at least it's better than facing reality.
Signing out,

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